Ballast tray design manual bulletin no 4900 international
Ballast tray design manual bulletin no 4900 international

Active area The octive orea of a distillation tower is where the vapor contacts the liquid to effect mass transfer. In that case, the downcomer is sloped such thot its bottom area is 60% of its top orea. The downcomer is usuolly o verticol plote thot enables the already contacted froth to travel down to the next troy without remixing with the up-fiowing vapor from the tray below. Troy design must oilow the turbulent liquid to foil oway From the rising vapor in the space above the tray, while also enabling the vopor bubbles to rise out of the falling liquid in the downcomer. This mixture is typicolly quite turbulent. Vapor passing through the perforated plate forms a two-phase mixture with the liquid and enables moss transfer contocting.

ballast tray design manual bulletin no 4900 international

N a distillation column troy, vopor posses upward through liquid that is flowing acroS5 a horizontol perforated plate.

Ballast tray design manual bulletin no 4900 international